Your Testicles are the most important part of the reproductive organs because they hold the key to developing testosterone and sperm. If you neglect them, then you will not be able to perform sexually like you desire. Our Testicle Health Massage will explain in detail exactly how to massage your Testicles and surrounding areas, which will aid in the increased production of Testosterone, which in turn raises your drive for sex. This exercise also promotes better blood circulation to your testicles, increasing sperm count and ejaculation volume.
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This exercise is quite intense and by performing it you are running a greater risk of bruising or blood spots on your penis..You need to master the basic jelq and “jelq and hold” exercises before attempting this advanced exercise. Muscle Relaxant
A good warm up is needed before engaging in this exercise so that you will experience greater results, enjoyment, and ease of performance during the exercise. Start out by performing a Hot Wrap for about 5 minutes, then dry off thoroughly with a soft towel.
Using your choice of lubrication, message your penis by grabbing on top and on the bottom with your fingers and thumb, and gently slide it forward until a partial erection has been achieved. Once you have reached a partial erection you may begin Jelqing. (Once again, the correct way to Jelq is to grab all the way around your penis with your forefinger and thumb, and squeeze tight, then sliding your hand forward all the way to your head) Perform the Arabic Jelq method for 15 minutes, really concentrating on your penis elongating and stretching every time you milk forward. Watch your penises head expand every time you milk forward, concentrating on the blood filling every space within your penis. Do this continually without stopping.
After the 15 minutes have passed, perform 50 Kegels to warm up your PC muscle, holding the last one for 10 seconds.
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