• Achieve an erection, and continually massage until you are as hard as you can possibly be. Once you reached that hardness, tighten your PC muscle as hard as you can and massage yourself at the same time. As you tightened, you should have noticed your erection fill with more blood in the shaft and head, and feel much harder. This tells you something; the more developed your PC, the harder your erections will be. Do this again, only continue to tighten and relax your PC until your erection becomes quite soft. Massage yourself to a hard erection again, hold a strong PC tighten to make your erection harder. Hold this, and begin to massage yourself to continue the hardness. Once you feel like your PC is becoming weak, relax but continue to massage. tighten your PC and hold again. Continue this until you feel like you are reaching an orgasm.
Muscle Relaxant
• Once the feeling for reaching orgasm becomes strong, tighten your PC as tight as you can, breathing in deeply through your mouth. Visualize your semen contracting back into you while you continually squeeze your PC tighter and tighter. Perform this again, massaging your self until you feel the urge to ejaculate is inevitable. Once you are for sure you are going to climax, squeeze your PC as hard as you can while breathing in through your mouth deeply. Continue to tighten and tighten your PC muscle to keep from ejaculation. Visualize your semen starting over, contracting back until the urge subsides. Continue to squeeze your PC tighter until the urge to ejaculate has vanished. Do this ejaculatory control exercise 10 times, making sure not to ejaculate during the exercise. If you do ejaculate, you need to develop your PC muscle much more than it is.
• Once the ejaculatory control exercise has taken it's toll on you after 10-20 sets, perform this exercise as many times as it takes to completely exhaust your PC muscle. Achieve an erection and tighten your PC a few times while you massage it to make sure it is quite hard. Once you have a firm erection, squeeze lightly around your penises shaft, right underneath the head. Now, tighten your PC muscle as deep as you can until it flutters, then relax. When you tighten your PC you should be able to feel your penis throb. Continue to do this over and over again until your erection becomes soft. Achieve another erection, and follow the directions again, over and over again. Do this until your PC muscle is completely exhausted and becomes difficult to even tighten your PC. By the time your are done, you will know that your PC received a first class workout because it should tingle and feel quite tired.
You should perform these exercise every day, or at LEAST 4 times a week. I find that performing them every day not only forms a better habit, but also makes you feel more fit and potent. Your lover won't know what hit'em, literally!
Muscle Relaxant
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