When you apply this section and the Mental Imagery section, you will have an unbeatable combo that will drive your results faster than ever. Breathing is very important. It teaches patience, control, and better health by oxygenating your brain and body better, which also helps in the fight against cancer. The average person only uses 1/5 of their lungs capacity in a normal day. You will find that if you make this exercise a daily ritual habit, you will not only see results faster, but will also actually gain more energy, mental clarity, and can actually help lose unwanted weight.
Sit in a comfortable chair that promotes good posture—straight back and squared shoulders.
Clear your mind of everything, including worries, problems, work, school, relationship troubles, EVERYTHING.
Inhale through your nose as strongly as you can (expanding your diaphragm first to draw in the air and your lungs second after your diaphragm is fully extended) so that your lungs reach maximum capacity - for a count of 4.
Hold the breath - for a count of 2.
Exhale through your nose (again using your diaphragm first to push out most of the air then compressing your lungs to force out the rest of the air) to completely empty your lungs - for a count of 6.
Do this for 20 minutes at a stretch.
You will feel much more alert and energized.
It might take a couple of tries before this exercise feels smooth and natural. Also, you might feel lightheaded the first few times you try this.
Try changing the inhale-hold-exhale counts for different effects. There is a wealth of breathing exercise information on the internet if you want to pursue this further.
Doing this exercise while jelqing can be a very powerful combo for great penile size enhancement and health. Begin jelqing just as you normally do. After about 200 jelqs, begin performing some power jelqs. As you begin, start to breathe just like instructed above. As you breathe in through your nose, visualize a ball of energy growing in your stomach, becoming more powerful the deeper you take your breath. Hold then jelq down slowly as you breathe out. As you breathe out and jelq down, visualize the ball of energy exiting out through your penis, stretching it longer as you exhale. Jelq several more times normally before you do this again. All in all, do about 500-600 jelqs, and anywhere from 20-50 energy ball jelqs.
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