Sunday, January 23, 2011

Build Your Own Websites Fast!

A membership site that offers way more value in the content that they provide than what the monthly membership fee is... Members of this site will have instant access to website building training and tutorials along with information on how to get traffic

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Install and Forget. Get 1000 Backlinks in just 1 day!

Get more than 1000 backlinks and unlimited traffic using this simple yet powerful wordpress plugin. High Conversion! Recurring Commissions. Converts very very well!

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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Ease-of-Use, PHOTO-PAINT File Formats Supported, New & Updated Formats Supported in PHOTO-PAINT X4, Adobe Creative Suite Formats, Adobe Illustrator (AI), Adobe Photoshop (PSD), Camera RAW, CorelDRAW (CDR), Corel PHOTO-PAINT (CPT), Encapsulated PostScript (EPS), PostScript (PS or PRN), GIF, JPEG (JPG), Portable Network Graphics (PNG), Portable Document Format (PDF), Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM), Cursor Resource (CUR), AutoCAD Drawing Interchange Format (DXF), AutoCAD Drawing Database (DWG), Corel Presentation Exchange (CMX), GIMP (XCF), Kodak Photo CD Image (PCD), QuickTime Movie (MOV), PaintBrush (PCX), PICT, HPGL Plotter File (PLT), Corel Painter (RIF), TARGA (TGA), Tagged Image File format (TIFF), Corel Paint Shop Pro (PSP), Windows Bitmap (BMP), WordPerfect Graphic (WPG), Other File Formats, Recommended Formats for Exporting Graphics

Create Textures with Software, How to Apply Texture Fills, Additional Options, How to Apply Bitmap Fills, Tiling a Bitmap, Filling an Image with a Single Bitmap, How to Create Bitmap Fills, How to Import a Bitmap Fill, Other Options, Create Textures with Effects: Texture, Layering Textures to Create New Effects, How to Create a Tileable Texture in PHOTO-PAINT, Real-Life Textures

Light Contamination: How White is White?, How Digital Cameras Work, Color Balancing Issues Indoors, The Life Cycle of a Bulb, Fluorescents, Discharge and Cold Light Sources, How Do You Know When White Is White?, Problem Lighting Situations, Night shots, About White Cards, The True Meaning of the Term "White Balance," About Camera RAW Files

How a CRT Monitor Works, How a LCD Monitor Works, Differences between CRT and LCD Monitors, Tips for Buying a CRT Monitor, Tips for Buying an LCD Monitor, Conclusion, Hardware Calibration

Advanced Color Options, Embed or Attach Color Profiles, Additional Calibration Notes, Monitor Update, Color Calibration for Printers, Color Calibration for Scanners

Yes, I Want To Become Productive & Profitable with PHOTO-PAINT X4 Now!! Bonus #1: 24 images for my learning, including:18 images, 2 composite images and 4 Camera RAW files

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Sunday, January 9, 2011

Monthly Commissions $$- Learn Adobe Dreamweaver Videos with Help Desk!

Videos? I?ve recorded excellent step by step Dreamweaver + CSS training videos delivered to you over the web on demand anytime you want.

You?ve built tables-based web sites, and know you need to start building sites with CSS, but don?t know where to start

That's why we call this the "One Pant Leg at a Time System?! It?s an easy to follow, step by step continuous learning system that can evolve with you as you learn more.

Even if you remain a member for an entire year it?s still cheaper than just 3 days of classroom training which can cost $250-$400 PER DAY! Honestly, most people need more than 3 days of help to get up to speed with Dreamweaver + CSS anyway.

So you can watch my easy to follow Dreamweaver videos anytime you want AND also be able to log on to to ask questions, research answers, and attend the live classes online to learn even more?

This bonus guide will reveal my top 10 tips for working within Dreamweaver.

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Videos KompoZer : Creez Un Site Web Qui Vend !

50% de commission - Excellents taux de conversion - Enfin une formation 100% video pour creer votre site web professionnel de A a Z - 97,62% de clients satisfaits ! - Nombreux outils pour les affilies sur

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Sunday, January 2, 2011

Videos KompoZer : Creez Un Site Web Qui Vend !

50% de commission - 97,62% de clients satisfaits ! Enfin une formation 100% video pour creer votre site web professionnel de A a Z - Excellent taux de conversions - Nombreux outils pour les affilies sur

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