Saturday, July 17, 2010

Justin Popovic's Quit Your Job System.

About 2 years ago I took a bold leap of faith and walked away from a “secure” corporate job to pursue my dream business.

- You have the desire and committment to change your life for the better

- You are "stuck" in a dead end job and want change

My fear of NOT doing something significant with my life became greater than my NEED for a secure job

I CHOSE to walk away from the only career I knew in order to begin working on a new life goal and become and entrepreneu

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Friday, July 16, 2010

Your Instant Site - From The Creator Of 4 Minute Money & PeelAwayAds!

But listen, I?m offering you 5 instant sites, traffic-getting software, and killer training ? all for less than a dollar a day (the software alone is easily worth four times that, the site is worth twice that, and the training is, well, priceless, right?

We think that kind of magic button is out there so our 'work' becomes finding the magic button instead of creating a successful online business!!! Tragi

We'll also show you one ingenious technique Andrea implemented that skyrocketed her in the search engines (that was ultimately how the Oprah Winfrey Show contacted her imagine how this will allow your customers or important people to find YOU)

Instead, each day she did what she wanted to do knowing that every single day she could SEE that her business was growing.

I created seven simple modules, with 3 just steps per day , each day will take you about one or two hours  to complete

Understandable Effective Info Instead of saying that we're giving you 'everything',  you're going to get only the most effective techniques for generating free traffic Andrea didn't implement all this crazy nonsense that most people can't understand, she just did the basics (the basics that Google LOVES by the way)

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Learn Photoshop In Just 2 Hours.

Master The Basics Of Adobe Photoshop In Under 2 Hours With Easy To Follow Instantly Accessible Online Video Tutorials.

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Ease-of-Use, PHOTO-PAINT File Formats Supported, New & Updated Formats Supported in PHOTO-PAINT X4, Adobe Creative Suite Formats, Adobe Illustrator (AI), Adobe Photoshop (PSD), Camera RAW, CorelDRAW (CDR), Corel PHOTO-PAINT (CPT), Encapsulated PostScript (EPS), PostScript (PS or PRN), GIF, JPEG (JPG), Portable Network Graphics (PNG), Portable Document Format (PDF), Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM), Cursor Resource (CUR), AutoCAD Drawing Interchange Format (DXF), AutoCAD Drawing Database (DWG), Corel Presentation Exchange (CMX), GIMP (XCF), Kodak Photo CD Image (PCD), QuickTime Movie (MOV), PaintBrush (PCX), PICT, HPGL Plotter File (PLT), Corel Painter (RIF), TARGA (TGA), Tagged Image File format (TIFF), Corel Paint Shop Pro (PSP), Windows Bitmap (BMP), WordPerfect Graphic (WPG), Other File Formats, Recommended Formats for Exporting Graphics

Create Textures with Software, How to Apply Texture Fills, Additional Options, How to Apply Bitmap Fills, Tiling a Bitmap, Filling an Image with a Single Bitmap, How to Create Bitmap Fills, How to Import a Bitmap Fill, Other Options, Create Textures with Effects: Texture, Layering Textures to Create New Effects, How to Create a Tileable Texture in PHOTO-PAINT, Real-Life Textures

Light Contamination: How White is White?, How Digital Cameras Work, Color Balancing Issues Indoors, The Life Cycle of a Bulb, Fluorescents, Discharge and Cold Light Sources, How Do You Know When White Is White?, Problem Lighting Situations, Night shots, About White Cards, The True Meaning of the Term "White Balance," About Camera RAW Files

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Yes, I Want To Become Productive & Profitable with PHOTO-PAINT X4 Now!! Bonus #1: 24 images for my learning, including:18 images, 2 composite images and 4 Camera RAW files

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Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Diet Solution Program.

Super High Converting Weight Loss & Nutrition Site With Awesome Sales Video Filled With Real Content. Find Out How You Can Cash In Too: Http://

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Easy Steps You Can Take Today to Erase Hip Pain

...and one of these tips you can get from a sewing class!

"More than 100,000 Americans are unable to get from their bed to the bathroom without assistance because of problems related to their hip or knee." So says Dr. Nathan Wei, Clinical Director of the Arthritis and Osteoporosis Center of Maryland. He adds, "Too many people put up with pain when there are so many treatments available."

The hip joint plays a major role in weight-bearing and walking.

It's a ball-and-socket joint that combines great stability and a wide range of motion. This joint is comprised of the head of the thigh bone (femur) which is shaped like a ball. This sits inside a cup-like area of the pelvis called the acetabulum ("socket"). It is surrounded by powerful muscles that help maintain the body in an upright posture and also help with walking. Many ligaments also help support the structure of the hip.

The most common symptom with hip problems is pain

Pain due to hip problems may be felt in the groin, on the outside of the hip region, the buttock, inner part of the thigh, the front of the thigh, and even the knee. In fact, there have been patients who've had knee surgery... when the problem was really in the hip. NOT a good thing! Pain coming from the hip joint also needs to be distinguished from low back disorders as well as knee disorders. Activities of daily living that are affected by hip pain include going up and down stairs, getting out of chairs, getting out of bed, getting shoes and socks off and on, and sexual intercourse.

Hip pain is often aggravated by weight-bearing.

Besides arthritis, hip pain can be due to bursitis. The most common is trochanteric bursitis. Trochanteric bursitis is inflammation of the large bursa that sits on the side of the hip. It tends to come on in middle-aged people. The major symptom is a deep aching pain over the upper outer thigh. It is made worse by walking. It is often bad at night and is aggravated by lying on the affected side. The treatment consists of anti-inflammatory medication, physical therapy, steroid injection, and stretching exercises.

Another potentially serious condition is avascular necrosis of the hip.

Here, a patient will have severe pain- usually in the groin. Weight-bearing is excruciating and the pain may also be present at night. Avascular necrosis is a condition where the blood supply to the head of the femur ("the ball") is interrupted... ...and the head of the femur actually dies! The bone collapses. Remember the great athlete, Bo Jackson... he had avascular necrosis. The diagnosis is confirmed by MRI scanning and the treatment involves surgical procedures. In patient with an arthritis condition, treatment modalities should include anti-inflammatory medication, physical therapy, exercises, and weight reduction, if necessary.

Specific stretching exercises are helpful.

Dr. Wei says, "One of my favorite is called thread-the-needle. You cross one leg across the thigh of the other. Reach down through the hole formed by this crossing over maneuver with the same side hand as the leg you're using to cross over. Clasp fingers with the other hand behind the thigh and gently pull. You'll feel the stretch! Hold for 10 seconds. Repeat with the other side."

Joint replacement- known as hip arthroplasty- is still the resort of choice in patients with end-stage arthritis.

Indications for arthroplasty include:

What Are Your Children Really Watching?

Saturday mornings. Cold cereal and Scooby Doo. How many parents started out our childhood weekends with this simple ritual? The trick was to wake up early enough to see all of the Saturday morning cartoons because after about 10 am, the children's programming was over until Sunday night's Wonderful World of Disney show came on.

My kids also like to get up on Saturday morning and watch cartoons. And on Sunday. And Monday and Tuesday You know the rest. While I had only a couple of channels to choose from, my kids have access to 24 hour children's programming on several channels, compliments of cable television. If you have a satellite dish, your children have access to even more programming.

More is better, right? Well, not always. With this abundance of television stations, we need to remember that not all television programming is appropriate for all audiences.

There are many parents and grandparents who had the viewpoint that if it was a cartoon show the kids were watching, it was ok. Cartoon violence? Well, who hasn't seen that coyote catch an anvil with his head for the umpteenth time?

The fact of the matter is, when many parents were growing up, with our limited television choices, a little cartoon violence didn't seem to make too much of a difference. Now our kids can choose to watch cartoon violence 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. And it isn't just anvils dropping out of the clear blue sky anymore. What kind of violence exists in the cartoons our kids are watching? No, Scooby Doo doesn't go into a rabid rage and maul Shaggy when there are no more Scooby Snacks. But kid's shows have battles, fights, explosions and characters making threats to injure or kill each other. And our kids are choosing to watch this programming over and over again.

So how can we help our kids to make better choices? Most families are unwilling to go cold turkey and give up all television programming, although I give KUDOS to those that are brave enough to do it. You've heard it before

Face Fitness Formula ** New Max $191.10/Sale ** :: (Rebilling!).


Considering that you've now have defined a sexy jawline and sculpted your cheekbones, or have greatly lost fat cheeks or double chin, what price tag would've made it a good investment?

Well, I'll go straight to the main points that make this program one of the most effective programs for getting rid of that face fat that is covering your cheekbone structure and making you self conscious about showing off that sexy cheekbones that you know is hidden under that facial fat !

Claim Your Copy of Face Fitness Formula - A 30-Day Step-By-Step Program to Get Rid of Fat Cheeks & Double Chin Program" + BONUSES.

Powerful set of facial exercises that will target your jaw line and double chin to improve your facial contours

Considering that you've now have defined a sexy jawline and sculpted your cheekbones, or have greatly lost fat cheeks or double chin, what price tag would've made it a good investment?

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Huge Opportunity - Earn Up To $200/Sale - R.e.c.u.r.r.i.n.g!

La formation Générer Des Revenus est la solution étape par étape à suivre pour construire une entreprise avec succès ou générer des revenus automatisés avec une totale confiance en sachant que vous avez tous les éléments nécessaires pour la réussite de longue durée!

Si vous êtes prêt à construire votre propre fortune personnelle en ligne et si vous êtes prêt à profiter de toute la technologie qui est au bout de vos doigts vous êtes au bon endroi

Je perdais mon temps et de l'argent à créer des sites, la construction des listes de clients et à essayer de vendre des produits.

Si vous êtes prêt pour quelque chose de différent, si vous êtes fatigué de ne jamais avoir assez d'argent pour faire ce que vous voulez, si vous avez à sacrifier du temps avec votre famille en raison de votre emploi et bien je suis ici pour vous aider et faire une réelle différence dans votre vie!

Je suis prêt à vous donner tout mon expérience ... si vous êtes prêt à faire de l’argent et créer votre propre entreprise en ligne en quelques heures par semain

Prenez note que vous serez en mesure de vous désinscrire de la formation en tout temps et quand vous jugerez que vos affaires en ligne vont très bien vous pourrez vous désinscrir

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Yeast Infections - Dealing with Them the Natural Way

If you've ever suffered with Thrush, the word 'Candida' will be all too familiar. But do you know what it really is, what causes it and how to control it naturally. Candida overgrowth affects both men and women, manifesting in surprising ways, which if left unchecked, can lead to some awful consequences.


Candida is a single-celled form of life, a yeast or more accurately a fungus, normally found in your gastrointestinal tract. In the free WellBeing Checklist I offer visitors to my website, you will see the word microforms. Yeasts, fungi, moulds, bacteria and viruses are all examples of microforms. Candida itself, is not a problem; in fact without it we would die. BUT, our modern Western diets lead to serious Candida overgrowth and that is where the problems start because the symptoms of overgrowth range from the mildly irritating to the fatal!


Actually their presence would be totally fine if it weren't for some unwelcome little habits in certain conditions! You see, they feed off the same stuff that our bodies rely on for energy - glucose, proteins and fats. Then after they've feasted, they show their gratitude for your hospitality by excreting nasty, poisonous acid wastes into our bloodstreams and inside our cells. Lovely - thanks very much! These wastes are called myco- (meaning fungus) and exo- (meaning bacterial) toxins.



In fairness, Candida and other microforms shouldn't shoulder all the blame for the damage they do. Sure, symptoms like (deep breath) pain, fatigue, adrenal/thyroid failure, indigestion, diarrhoea, depression, hyperactivity, eczema, asthma, colds and flu, haemorrhoids, arthritis, endometriosis, thrush, ulcers, colitis, lack of sex drive, irritability, hay fever, acne, tumours, hormone imbalances, insomnia, allergies, malabsorption (I could go on but won't) and that oh-so-common 'feeling tired and fed up' all the time are indeed caused by the little critters chucking out their poisons, but they couldn't do it without our willing co-operation!

Microforms love an acidic body you see. Their idea of heaven is splashing about in their own waste. They don't like too much oxygen so acid is perfect. So if our diets are largely acid-forming then we provide them with the perfect breeding ground and give them carte blanche to literally eat us alive and cause damage to tissues, organs and processes. As Rudolph Virchow* pointed out, 'Mosquitoes seek the stagnant water, but do not cause the pool to become stagnant.'

Now at this stage, you are either thinking - 'yikes, I can relate to that, how do I regain control?' or you are looking smug and thinking 'yeah well, I don't have any of those symptoms so I can't have a microform problem.' If you are in the second group, take heed:

If you are not maintaining the right acid/alkaline balance for your body, you may only be in the first stages of microform overgrowth where you have no outward symptoms, but it's only a question of time before your body will start 'having a pop'** by throwing out warning signs in the form of symptoms like the ones above.

OK - so now for some good, cheery stuff...


You create an internal environment in which they cannot party! And whether it's Candida or any other microform, that environment is an alkaline one which can be achieved by diet and, ideally, supplements. As your body alkalizes, the yeasts, fungi, moulds etc stop growing and stop harming you. Any toxins still hanging around can be mopped up by certain fats and minerals and be eliminated from the body. Job done! The Wellbeing Checklist will tell you more about what constitutes an alkalizing diet but if you want a quick rule of thumb to play by - think green - green is good!

The theory of how to do it is simple, but the practice can be challenging. If you suffer with any of the symptoms mentioned above (or suspect that your diet has you headed that way) and want to regain control of your health and wellbeing the natural way, then a wellbeing coach or nutritionist can really help. Your health is the most valuable thing you have and we're all living longer - wouldn't it be wonderful to live 'weller' too?

*Rudolph L. K. Virchow (1821-1902) A German cytologist who established the law that all cells arise from pre-existing cells. He also stated that pathology was a cellular science (1858), which gave a new emphasis to the explanation of diseases in animals.

** For the benefit of any readers outside the UK: 'having a pop' or more accurately ' 'aving a pop' roughly translated means to complain in an animated fashion! It's a London thing.

Claire Raikes is a Wellbeing Coach, Speaker and Writer who 'cured' herself of a chronic, disabling and potentially life-threatening bowel condition without the use of steroids, surgery or any other traditional medical intervention. She now shares her passion for natural and vibrant health through coaching, speaking and writing about the importance and power of a truly healthy diet.

She publishes a free weekly eZine, In Essence and is compiling an eBook of Healthy Fast Food with 25% of the proceeds going to The Cancer Project, a charity set up by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) and nutritionists to educate the public on the benefits of a healthy diet for cancer prevention and survival.

If you have a recipe you would like to submit, visit for further details.

To book Claire to speak at your event, email her at

Every Woman Wants A Sexy Butt & Will Pay Big Bucks For It.

These women who listed their butt as the # 1 priority for improvement - had the highest percentage of overall success in regards to achieving their butt and body improvement goals - most of which had to do with getting their bodies into firmly toned and tightly sculpted shape - WITH primary emphasis on the BUTTOCKS region - while still maintaining an attractive, feminine look.

I started going through stacks of the initial fitness assessments from female clients I've trained, since 1992 - when I first started my personal training company.

I recently had the privilege of selling my womens' personal training center, in St Johns, Florida, to work full time from the comfort of my own home, as a fitness/fat-loss writer, consultant and consumer advocate for women - a lifelong dream of mine.

I am loving this whole program and feel the workouts all day (in a good way )- I have had a hip pain problem for over a year and am actually able to get through the workout and stretches - I mean I can really move my hip and leg in ways I have not for over a year with help of my chiro.

Whichever Butt Enhancement Recipe you have chosen above - by the end of this article, not only will you have your personal Butt Enhancement Recipe - but you'll be able to put it into use immediately and start getting the exact results you desire.

Those are the exact words of Sandra Corsten (age = 58 y.o.), as written on her 'Primary Goals' form during her initial personal training assessment and start-up interview with me back in January of 2000.

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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

10 Things Sex Over 60 Can Teach You About Sex Under 40

Got your attention? Everyone's favorite subject.

I'll begin by stating again a myth that dies hard: That people over 60 [substitute your own age] aren't having sex. Part of this is that we just don't want to think of our parents as actually having sex, no matter how old they are, no matter how old we are.

Guess what? Your parents are doing it. So are your grandparents. If they're a healthy couple, that is, who enjoy each other and are still enjoying life.

Sex over 60 is sublime. Sex under 60 is also sublime. In this article let's look at the things that make sex over 60 sublime, in a humorous way, because some of the things that startle, amuse, and slightly embarrass you about your Granny are some of the things that can make sex under 40 sublime.

1. Your Mom arrives at your house and you're having a discussion over breakfast cereal, and she says, "Monica, I hope you're letting Harry make love to you with the lights on. Men like that, you know."

Put the blush away. She's talking, and that's what makes for good sex. Older folks don't mince words. Get comfortable with anatomy, natural processes, and needs, and talk about them openly. Talking about what "embarrasses" you could be exactly what could save or enrich your marriage.

And be open-minded. Some men like to make love with the lights on, some don't. Some women like to make love with the lights on, some don't. How will you know if you don't ask? How will you know if you don't try it? 2. Granny comes to see your new baby boy and says, "Looks like his penis is healing just fine, Elberta."

Those cute little phrases I won't go into are fine for bonding, but they take something away in the long run. Call your body parts by their real names. This will both empower you, and demystify sex, and that's a great combination.

3. You're appalled at your mother-in-law's lifestyle, and also a bit jealous.

Since her husband died 5 years ago, she's been living in a resort retirement community. She plays tennis and golf with her boyfriend, spends lazy afternoons by the pool, and they take long cruises. She looks 10 years younger, has a glow, and your husband says he's never seen her happier. When they come to visit you, they're always hugging and holding hands. You walk around a corner and catch them kissing!

You MUST make time to approach this leisurely lifestyle with your partner. You must create a space for what comes naturally to occur, and in the midst of crying babies, promotions and downsizings, leaky faucets, dirty dishes, creeping kudzu, and dog-poop scooping, remember your dating days when you spent hours just gazing into each other's eyes and touching.

4. Your Granpa comes over and says to you, "Son, you leave that pretty little filly alone like this and she's gonna jump the fence and go lookin'. When's the last time you [wink wink nudge nudge]."

The words may make you squirm. The message may too, because it's not about denial. What's going on has been labeled, the consequences outlined, and the solution presented. It works. Try it. Your own style, words, and timing, of course, with knowledge of your wife, not his or anyone else's.

5. Your Mom says, "Jen, when I walk in here I can cut the tension in the air. There's something you and Nick aren't dealing with."

If you deal with what comes up when it comes up, there won't be tension in the air. Time and experience teach us to read other people's emotions, take the temperature in the air, and become more empathic, which makes for great relationships. You can jumpstart this process by studying Emotional Intelligence with a certified EQ coach.

6. Dinner's over and your parents are leaving. Your father, a man of few words says, "Anne, your mom and I are coming over next weekend to take care of kids while you and Anthony get away. No arguments."

Make this time. Money is not the crucial component. Put the kids down for Saturday naps and have your own getaway. If there is money, hire a sitter and go to a hotel for a weekend

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Until now, only a tiny trickle of the sizzling new breakthroughs of "peak" blowjob performance was leaked out from the university "sex laboratories"...the offices of respected "cutting edge" sex guru's...and the bedrooms of the vixen pioneers who are all taking their oral sex skill-set to dizzying new levels of intensity and pleasure .

A step-by-step "finger tip" guide to the 53 most sizzling blow-job "fantasy" secrets in pornography .

This book is called "The Great Head Guide" and it took one of the world's most detailed sexual researchers over 1,143 hours and $13,540 to research and complete.

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Merchant Of Venice: Finally A Merchant Worth Seeing

As a some what classically trained actor(two years of an academic theatre school) I have always had a thing for Shakespeare. I love his work and have never had the fear that so many people seem to have for the language. Sure some of the allusions and idioms are obscure or their meanings are only relevant to Elizabethan scholars, but a good actor lets the emotion of the words in context convey what is needed for the audience to comprehend the meaning of the words.

Underneath the glamour and the trappings that accompany most productions there are universal truths that speak to all of us. Remember Shakespeare was a popular writer who depended on pleasing his audiences for making a living. An audience who if anything were even less educated then today's, made up of primarily illiterates who would need the stimuli of strong emotion to provide enjoyment. His plays are sexual, violent, full of bawdy humour and plots were dictated by the strong moral code of the time.The tragedies conformed to the tight rule of a hero whose tragic flaw brings about his downfall, the histories to extolling the virtues of the current head under the crown, and the romantic comedies all worked out right in the end.

What has always elevated Shakespeare head and shoulders above the rest was his ability to raise his content above the limitations of the style. Unlike today's sit-com writers who work within a similar format who let stereotypes and manipulation stand in for genuine characters and emotion, his ear for poetry and truth combined to entertain and enlighten the masses whilst never stooping to a lowest common denominator. Royal to peasant were equally comfortable with his work.

Our tendency to view Shakespeare's plays as museum pieces instead of living is the thing that does them the most disservice. We suffered through a long period of staid costume dramas masquerading as performance with only a few notable exceptions. Not until Kenneth Branagh first began producing plays and filming did new life get blown back into Shakespeare for the first time since Peter Brooks interpretations in the early seventies. Aside from Mr. Branagh own productions we have seen a spurt of attempts at Shakespeare, some good, some bad, but at least people were attempting to use film and his plays for more then faithful reproductions of stage shows.

What this has all been leading up to is the recent production of Merchant of Venice starring Al Pachino, Jeremy Iron, Joseph Fiennes and Lynn Collins. The Merchant has moved in and out of fashion over the last forty years because of the potential for stirring up a pot that most people would rather leave alone. Anti Semitism. With the spectre of Mel Gibson's perceived anti Semitic Passion hanging over everyone's heads it takes an especially brave group of people to mount a production of Merchant.

We as a society would like to pretend that anti Semitism does not exist at the same level that it has in previous generations. But with the rise of fundamentalist Christians and the poverty of Eastern Europe we have seen an upswing in anti Jewish sentiment.

Although neither Jew nor Muslim will appreciate this comment it must also be remembered that Arabs are Semitic as well so the Muslim world has become a legitimate outlet for most people's anti- Semitic feelings. Jews and Muslims are particularly sensitive now to anything that is seen as promoting hatred towards their people, justifiably I believe since any promotion of hatred under what ever the guise is putrid.

In one of the interviews included with the D.V.D. of Merchant of Venice Al Pacino mentions that he had been approached many times before about playing the role of Shylock, and that he had always refused for that very reason. He never felt comfortable with the character's depiction as a villain because of its perpetuating of a stereotype.

There have been many apologists for this play, defending it on the grounds that it was just an accurate reflection of the time period of Shakespeare. While this may or may not be true, it did not necessitate some of the extremes taken in the depiction of Shylock villainy or the saintliness of Antonio and Bassino.

When one examines the structures that Shakespeare so rigorously adhered to in the construction of his script, this interpretation makes no sense. Who is the tragic hero in this tragedy, whose downfall are we asked to witness. Not the two gentiles, but the Jew. In all of Shakespeare's tragedy's we are given motivation and plot for the actions of the flawed character.

From Hamlet to Othello circumstances have combined with their character's shortcomings to bring about their downfall. We invariably are led to some sort of sympathy for these heroes no matter what they end up doing, or what results from their actions.

Why has this never been the result in Merchant of Venice. Why have we always been led to the position of rejoicing at the downfall of Shylock, instead of commiserating with a person who has had his daughter, his possessions and his religion stripped from him? Like so many of us he had been pushed too far by circumstances and events until something finally snapped. Whose to say how you and I would react under the constant pressure of day in and day out persecution and assaults on our dignity.

I believe that until now no has wanted to perform the play as it was meant to be produced. Who would pay to see gentile society depicted as the villain of the piece and Shylock as the flawed hero driven by desperation into a place of madness; where reason has fled to be replaced by the all consuming need for vengeance against the people who "spit upon his Jewish cavity". It is far easier to dismiss the anti Semitism as historically accurate then to put the mirror up our own society's bigotry.

Michael Radford has finally provided us with a Merchant worth watching. He follows the path of most resistance by depicting Shylock as the tragic hero brought down by his flaws. Through establishing the anti Semitism of the times and the characters he makes the ensuing actions of Shylock understandable and believable. It's not because he's a money grubbing Jew that he demands his pound of flesh, it's because he is a man who has been pushed to his limit and beyond. He's beyond reason to the point where he will not even accept twice the amount of money he is owed as replacement of his bond. That is not the behaviour of a man governed by greed, but one who is controlled by other forces.

As we see and hear his plans collapsing around him, as we watch him deflate and hear the vindictive revelling of the gentiles our hearts can not help but go out to him, one more person destroyed by the moral majority for attempting to stand up for himself against overwhelming odds. The self righteous have again conquered and left the outsider lost.

It goes without saying that the performances in this movie are universally brilliant. The British cast of lesser parts are universally more comfortable with the language of Shakespeare then any production I have seen in many a year. The leads, well the leads are nothing short of magnificent.

The performances of Jeremy Irons and Joseph Fiennes are just what I would expect from them, perceptive, intelligent with never a wrong note sounded. But in truth it is the two Americans who are the revelation. Pacino has never been this good before. It is if he has been waiting for this part his whole career and saving up bits of talent so that it could all be invested. He holds nothing back and presents what I think should be the Shylock that everyone remembers. On a par with Oliver's Hamlet it will become a byword for performances for future actors to emulate.

I have never seen or heard of Lynn Collins before, but she is the real thing when it comes to Shakespeare. Her command of the language and its nuances was equal to that of her more renowned male co-stars, and her presence and poise enlivened and energies any scene she participated in.

But in the end it all comes down to Michael Radford's direction and adaptation. It's his eye that takes us through 16th century Venice. From the opulence of the gentile areas, to the gated and confining prison of the ghetto. We are witness to the disparate worlds of the two peoples who make up the films population.

Venice is a cesspool of hypocrisy: wearing the face of morality by day, but dallying with prostitutes by night, preaching tolerance, but only for those like us, asking Shylock to consider mercy for Antonio during the court scene, but then baying for his blood when events turn against him. In this Venice if we are willing to look closely enough we can see ourselves and what our society has done to those on the outside.

Shylock is every poor desperate Muslim manipulated by events and his leaders into a place of no return, we plead with him to desist, but when we get the chance we defile and spit on him with glee. This is a wonderful movie that finally provides justice for a play that has too long been subject to the whims of fashion and bias. Definitely a Merchant worth seeing

Richard Marcus may be contacted at
Views and reviews from an artistic perspective. The thoughts of a long haired iconoclast on poetry, books, movies and sometimes the world. Since all the worlds a stage someone has to review the actors, plot, and directors for the theatre it is.

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As An Intuitive

As an intuitive and spiritual teacher, my mission in life has long been to guide people toward creating and experiencing the kind of lives their hearts desire. Lives that are physically grounded, emotionally creative, and intellectually engaging, where one feels loved, listened to, intuitive, inspired, and spiritually fulfilled. I not only believe this kind of life is possible, I actually believe it is our birthright and our Creator's natural plan for us.

Unfortunately very few people are actually having this kind of life experience. More common are people who are feeling exhausted, overworked, overwhelmed and emotionally drained and empty. Their physical bodies are suffering, their creativity dried up, and their sense of personal direction veering way off course. Not only do many people feel seriously out of balance, they are in many cases even having what I call "out-of-body" lives where they are merely existing and barely experiencing life at all.

What I share with my clients is that most of our problems can be traced to one of our seven psychic energy centers, known to the metaphysically minded as "chakras", from their Hindi term which means spinning wheel, which from an energetic perspective is what a chakra looks like. These centers are satellites of activity that govern our physical, emotional, psychic and spiritual well being. In other words, they give us the ability to not only live our lives, but to actually love them.

To the rational Western mind the ideas that we are comprised of energy centers that usher in life force and assist us in channeling our expression and creativity into the physical plane seems far fetched and unlikely. And yet even our own language reveals our natural intuitive awareness of these centers and how they affect our lives. We say, for example,

"He galls me!" of someone who invades our boundaries and overrides our authority.

"Wow, that knocks me off my feet" of the new love interest that upsets our concentration and routine.

"She has a heart of gold" of someone who opens our heart and touches us in a meaningful way.

When this satellite system is balanced and operating as it is intended, we experience life in an energetically fulfilling way. We feel grounded, emotionally safe, clear in our decisions and self direction, open to giving and receiving love, effective and creative in all forms of expression, inspired, imaginative and intimately connected to our spirit, others and to God. Such a life is filled with blessings, grace synchronicities and abundant satisfaction.

The key to having such lives lies in keeping these centers balanced. This may sound difficult and yet one more thing "to do" in our jam-packed existence, but in fact it really isn't, especially once you understand what throws them out of balance in the first place. . Here are some great remedies to demonstrate the principles from my latest book "True Balance: A Commonsense Guide for Renewing Your Spirit". They are practical, playful, simple--and the best part is, they work. These are not another round of .should do.s.. We all know what we .should. do, but who has the time? These are immediate and appealing remedies that you will enjoy doing, and will bring results.

Your sense of security is found in the first chakra. You can tell you have a solid foundation, or first chakra, if you aren't anxious or worry much. Need a quick fix to feel grounded? Need to take a stand but feel on shaky ground? Wear really good socks. You'll notice it.s impossible to have a really good day when you have a hole in your sock! When you really need to feel solid, rub Vicks VapoRub on the soles of your feet. Take a grounding walk and bring your awareness to the moment, thinking of nothing else except how you are connecting to the earth, and how it is supporting you right now.

Your second chakra governs sensuality, creativity and vitality. When it is balanced you feel alive, engaged and excited by life. You feel sexy, creative and joyful. When this chakra is out of balanced you will feel depressed, tired, uninterested in sex, and basically emotionally flat. Working with clay is a favorite second chakra remedy of mine. There is something fundamentally gratifying to your sensual nature when you slap a big piece of wet slippery clay down on a hard surface and begin to shape it into something meaningful. This remedy brings out feelings and stimulates your imagination and creativity at the same time. Baking bread is another wonderful second chakra remedy. As with clay, there is something very sensually satisfying in working with dough, slapping it onto a hard surface and kneading it. .

The third chakra governs personal sovereignty. When balanced you feel in charge of your life and make decisions that support you in every way. When imbalanced, you get pushed around by others. You say "yes" when you mean "no" or vice-versa, and basically feels out of control. To rebalance your third chakra, practice saying no. Say .NO, NO, NO, with great gusto and enthusiasm. Also practice other versions of a saying no, such as .Gee, I wish I could. I would have loved to at any other time. Gosh, it.s a shame that I won.t be able to. If you are a real sucker for intrusion, do not answer your telephone. Leave a message on your answering machine instead that say, Hi. I'm out getting a meaningful life. Leave a positive and supportive message to wish me well!

The fourth chakra governs our ability to give and receive love. When balanced we feel part of things, generous and loving. We feel physically peaceful and serene. When our heart chakra is imbalanced we feel lonely, unloved, and unlovable. To bring balance to your heart, surprise someone with a half-dozen addressed, stamped postcards ready to send to their closest friends and family. Then all they have to do is jot a quick note of love and appreciation and drop it in the mailbox.

Have trouble speaking up or do you feel like not being heard? Have really good ideas but hate to fight to get a word in edgewise? That's a fifth chakra imbalance, center of personal expression. Nothing activates the throat chakra like an open heart, and nothing opens the heart faster than singing. Sing in the shower, sing while you're walking down the street. Bring breath into your lungs and vibrate the sound through your whole body, bringing with it healing energy. Make positive predictions throughout your day. And once a day, practice saying, "I am" and filling in the blank with a truth of who you really are and who you really want to be.

The sixth energy center, located between your eyebrows, is the center of your personal vision. It influences our ability to see the world and ourselves clearly and without negativity. Remind yourself of the beauty and abundance of the world with a magnificently displayed bowl of fresh fruit, a beautiful photo or work of art, or a meditation garden. There is nothing more soothing to the spirit than an aquarium full of tropical fish. Even a few goldfish in a bowl are fascinating to watch and reconnect you to the subtle and gloriously beautiful world of nature.

Your connection to spirit is located in your seventh energy center, or crown chakra. It focuses your attention on the spiritual meaning of your life. To reconnect with spirit, open your eyes, ears and heart for signs of spirit all around you. Pay attention to the miracles unfolding before your eyes--the first buds of spring, the first harvests of summer. In the morning, consciously bless yourself, thanking God for giving you one more day to enjoy the world around you. Talk to God every day, and ask God to redirect your life, helping you moment to moment find your way to the highest possible good.

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