Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Having a curve in your erection can be a very painful experience for your partner, not to mention an embarrassing feature for you as well. This is a very big problem for 30% of men out there who have either a slight curve or a massive curve in their erection.
What causes this curve? Well, it's from having a weak Corpora Cavernosa which allows the shaft to bend a certain direction because of the weaker cell walls. This problem can be easily dealt with using jelq. This exercise strengthens your Corpora Cavernosa on both sides of your penis, and will start to form a straighter penis after several months of daily exercise.
Though this exercise is basically the same as you have read before, there is a little "twist" you must utilize. Begin jelqing just like you have before, grasping around the base of a partial erection, squeezing fairly tight and sliding it to your head, repeating with the other hand. Every 5 or 10 jelqs, milk your penis against the curve, bending it the opposite way as you milk down to your head, This will begin to not only strengthen your shaft, and also help strengthen the wall that's curving, slowly training it to bend the opposite way.
As you milk down, really concentrate on your penis rebuilding with each stroke. Concentrate on visualizing your penis expanding and straightening every time you milk, taking deep breaths through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. With each breath you breathe in, visualize a ball of energy growing and and expanding in your stomach and chest. Once you cannot breath in any more, exhale and visualize the ball of energy flowing down and out through your penis as you continue to milk strongly. You will find that results will come much faster when you do this.
With this exercise, I would recommend going for reps, not time, but either is good. When I usually jelq, I go for reps anyway. My routine is as follows:
• A Hot Wrap warm up for about 5 minutes with light stretching, followed by massaging to a partial erection while doing about 100 PC clamps.
• Using baby oil, I begin light jelqing for about 100 jelqs, then move into the slower, power jelqs. I do exactly 500 power jelqs, and finish with 200 medium pace light jelqs.
• Apply another hot wrap for about 5 minutes and the move into about 200 PC blasters without stopping. Once completed, I massage myself to a full erection and begin the squeeze and tighten exercise until I am fully fatigued from the exercises. You will know when you should quit when you cannot hold of the urge to ejaculate anymore. This is when you should stop, and DO NOT ejaculate. You must practice restraint!
That's it. All in all, It takes me about 40 minutes to exercise every day, but that's 40 minutes that is well spent, especially when you see the difference in your size and performance in a few months.
REMEMBER, this Program takes dedication and desire to achieve results most of you long for. It takes several months of practice, and daily maintenance, just like working out your body. If you stop, you become weak again. Never stop, and after about 6 weeks of daily exercise, you will find that it has become a habit to do each day. When this takes place, you'll be in the butter zone! Take care and happy training.

Friday, March 7, 2008


Many women love for their men to be able to release a strong health amount of ejaculation when they climax. This not only is a turn on to many women, it also shows health and fertility, not to mention they feel like they've done a good job. Being able to release a heavy volume ejaculation isn't something you're just born with, its knowledge of you body works.

Volume Enhancement: The supplement L-Arginine is an amino acid that in involved in the creatine formation and is the removal of ammonia from the body. I have found that taking 500mg during the day and 1,500mg an hour before sex or masturbation, your ejaculation will increase by many times. Please note that you must cycle L-Arginine into your body for at least 2 weeks before you can see any real noticeable changes in your ejaculation. Also, learning restraint against masturbation to ejaculation is key is having good ejaculations. Try limiting ejaculation to only about twice a week. You will find that your sex drive will dramatically increase as well as your ejaculation levels.
Force of Orgasm: Have you ever watched a porno and seen a guy climax several feet away? Ever say to yourself "WOW! I wish I could do like that!"? Well, if you develop your PC muscle and follow the Volume Enhancement instructions above, you can! When you ejaculate, your sperm is forced out through your PC muscle contracting. The stronger, more fit your PC is, the further your ejaculation will shoot.
Here's a plan below on how to climax like a super stud:
• Perform at least 500 power jelqs a day
• Testicle health massage performed daily
• Always do good PC work such as PC Blaster and Squeeze and tighten daily for the rest of your life
• Keep from ejaculating for at least a week, and limit ejaculation to 3 times max per week.
• Be stimulated for at least 20 minutes before reaching climax
• When you reach orgasm, relax and let it flow!
• Following this type of plan will ensure a dramatic increase in ejaculation in as little as 2 weeks.

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Sunday, March 2, 2008

Weak erections Ejaculatory control Curvature straightening Foreskin restoration

One factor for weak erections is diet and general health. As many men begin to get older, they do not produce as much testosterone as you once did. When this happens sexual desire diminishes and the penis does not get the circulation it once did. A diet high in red meat, processed foods, and lack of nutritional supplements can aid and also cause Impotence.
Another reason is psychological problems. Many men may have experienced a rude or embarrassing comment from a lover that has actually created a physical barrier from being able to perform sexually. In may cases, it has been because of an anxiety of having a smaller size and worrying about what your partner thinks. The worst thing you should EVER do is worry about your penis or erection. When you worry, you build anxiety that keeps you from having a strong erection, or any at all. Just relax and enjoy yourself. Our Program was designed to help men just like yourself!
Other reasons for being Impotent simply are caused from having a very underdeveloped penile system. Just as many men are naturally built or skinny, some men just naturally have a weak penis. In any case, our program will help all area's of concern.
The following workout plan below will make most men, regardless of present sexual size or ability, an absolute sex machine in as little as 2 months.
• Perform a good hot wrap for 10 minutes and apply to your penis and testicles. This will warm up your sexual organ and help circulate blood to you penis and testicles. This encourages the growth and development as well as prevents injury by warming the penis up before a vigorous workout. After the hot wrap is complete, apply a generous amount of baby oil to your penis and testicles and make sure the oil is well rubbed in to your skin.
• Massage all areas of your testicles and your penis and apply more oil if needed. A good massage will get the blood flowing to all areas of your sexual organs and promote better function and health. Perform a good Testicle Health Massage for about 10 minutes while you also massage yourself to a partial erection. Make sure you are totally warmed up and well lubricated before continuing.
Massage yourself to a partial erection and apply more oil. This Jelq session is to last for at least 20 minutes continuous and each milk should last one second each. While you are engaged in this exercises, close your eyes and visualize your penis becoming stronger, longer, thicker with every milk you perform. Visualize blood filling your penis and strengthening it with every milk. Breathe deeply through your nose and fill your lungs to their maximum capacity. Hold for a few seconds then exhale through your mouth, all while continuing to jelq.
Every 20 Jelqs perform a strong PC tighten and hold for several seconds before relaxing. This will build more power into your penis and help keep it in a partially erect state.
After about 15 minutes into your Jelq session, begin to jelq a little harder than you have been, really driving blood into your penis and Glans (head) with every stroke you milk down with. You should feel a tingle in your penises head when you begin these stronger strokes. Finish out the last 5 minutes with these stronger strokes.

• Great, you should feel like your penis is very pumped and filled with blood at this point. Begin to stroke your penis to a full erection, pulling it out with your hands and massaging all areas that feel pleasurable. Pump your PC 30 times while you continue to massage yourself to keep an erection. Squeeze each contraction as tight as you can to get your PC pumped up and to get the blood flowing throughout your genitals.
• After the 30 PC flexes, relax and continue to massage yourself. You erection should feel even harder by now, so continue to massage your self until you feel the urge to ejaculate approaching. When you feel the urge is strong, squeeze your PC muscle as tight as you can, breathing as deep as you can through your mouth while contracting your PC.
• Keep squeezing tighter and tighter until the urge to ejaculate has gone away. Massaging yourself to a hard erection again and do the same thing, squeezing your PC when the urge to ejaculate is strong. Repeat this over and over again until your PC is quite tired from holding off the urge to ejaculate, approximately 15-25 times. DO NOT EJACULATE during this exercise! This teaches ejaculatory control and will increase your testosterone levels after several days of practice. Limit your ejaculations to only once or twice per week. This not only will develop a strong ejaculatory control, but will increase your ejaculation levels tremendously when you do climax. Patience is key, remember.
• After you are tired from holding off ejaculation, continue to massage yourself to maintain a strong erection. If you feel the urge to ejaculate, just stop massaging yourself for a little while until the feeling goes away, then continue. Work yourself to a hard erection, then take one hand and grab around the top portion of your penis and apply a light amount of force. Now, begin to blast our as many PC flexes as you can until you lose your erection. You should be able to feel your erection pulsating every time you tighten your PC.
• Massage yourself to another erection, and repeat the above process. Do this as many times as it takes until it is hard to get an erection. You have completely worked all aspects of your sexual organs, developing all vital parts that enable you to have strong, frequent erections and well as superior ejaculatory control. If you do this Program everyday, for at least 5-6 days a week, I guarantee in 3 months you will be so developed it will absolutely blow all expectations you have out of the water. This is penile development the right way, but don't just take my word for it. The proofs in the pudding. Get started! Don't procrastinate, it only hurts YOU.
If you stay on this program for at least 5 days a week, you will experience a new found lust for life you've never experienced before. You will begin to wake up with rock hard erections in the morning, something many men lose when they are in their teens. You will experience harder, more frequent erections. You will experience actual penis enlargement, not only lengthening but much thickening. You will experience a greater sex drive and desire for your partner like you've never experienced before. You will experience great ejaculatory control and sexual stamina that will leave you and your partner both impressed. But most importantly you will experience a great sense of self confidence, something many of you have lost long ago. This Program will help every aspect of your sex life, so please don't put it off. Make it a habit, every day. Trust me, you'll thank us in the very near future.