The idea behind vacuum pumping is that you will force blood into your penis and force it to grow. Now, this may sound Improve your health erotic or reasonable, but buyer beware! A vacuum pump may injure your penis before it will enlarge your penis because:
• It's forced vacuum power, not stimulation exercise
• Most men aren't going to wait a whole year to gain 1" and do it the right way, instead they think the more they pump the faster the results. WRONG!
Pumps have been around for centuries because men have always tried to create new and interesting ways to enlarge their penis. If you pump for a whole year, every day, for 30 minutes a day, you will ONLY gain 1/2" - 1". This simply is not worth your time or money if you are looking to enlarge your penis.
Enlarging your penis is the only thing you could be trying to accomplish by pumping, because it does NOTHING for your penises health or strength. In fact, pumping can cause impotence!
Here are some continual problems you will come across if you decide to get a pump:
• Broken Blood Vessels
• Painful Daily Regimens
• Embarrassing pump to hide from family
• Injury from over pumping
• Impotence from pumping
• Poor urination flow
• Skin blotches
• Extreme swelling from over pumping
• Very SLOW enlargement process
Why this program will outperform ANY pump on the market:
• Real thorough penile exercise that will stimulate growth and health in your penis and testicles.
• Strengths erections and firmness
• Improves sensation and feeling
• EXTREMELY fast penis enlargement development
• Increases sex drive
• Increases volume and intensity of ejaculations
• Improves urinary flow
• Improves circulation to penis and testicles
• Improves overall body health and mental clarity
Improve your health